Introducing Playful Strategy

Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast
Ice Cream for Everyone Podcast
Introducing Playful Strategy

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I can’t believe it’s already been nearly three months since the last episode I published for the podcast!

I’ve been spending time formulating what Ice Cream for Everyone is about, and finally got to a version I’m happy to share, and is on my updated website front page as well.

In the episode I’m quite simply sharing what I’ve been up to over the winter, this sort of manifesto, and a set of personal beliefs that I’ve been working on and helped me refine what the website, and this show is about – without changing much or anything of what I’ve been doing so far.

Ice Cream for Everyone is a Playful Strategy Consultancy.

Ice Cream is often associated with happy thoughts and memories, perhaps of childhood, simpler times.

Ice Cream is also surprisingly complex chemically, technically an emulsion, a combination of two or more liquids that don’t normally mix together.

Ice Cream exists in a seemingly contradictory and ephemeral state, creating a delicious combination as a result.

Ice cream requires the right ingredients, methodology, and temperature to go from complex chemistry to a simple desert. Similarly, we use creativity, play, and communication to go from complex situations to simple solutions with our clients.

We believe play, communication, and creativity are powerful assets for the development of businesses, brands, and everyone.

We believe dogma, bigotry, and blandness, are a hindrance to the development of businesses, brands, and everyone.

Playful strategy is the application and use of structured play, and sometimes games, to define and solve challenges in a business environment.

Playful strategy provides a recreational oriented state of mind fostering high levels of reasoning, insightful problem solving, and empathy for participants.

We play with elements that don’t seem to normally mix together and combine them into powerful ideas with our clients.

A few of the things mentioned in the episode:

About the author

Willem was born in New York, grew up in Paris, lived in London and Asia for several years before moving to Chicago in 2017. He is an award winning brand & marketing strategist, having worked with some of the largest creative advertising agencies and most valuable consumer brands globally. Willem enjoys tabletop games, skiing, scuba-diving, traveling, eating, and lengthy conversations with friends.