New Job and Happy New Year

Looking at the date of my last post, I’m simply going to declare that blog writing is not going to happen daily here, at least for now. I might change that if ever I receive too many complaints from my faithful readers (my father and my flatmate, mainly), we’ll see.

Anyways I started my new job today! I’m working at Iris, with the digital team. I’m starting as a digital recruiter, the plan being that I’m going to do that and start being trained in digital strategy after a few months. I’ve already met with some great people, they do really cool work and I’m looking forward to gigantic heaps of information and just plain stuff to take on board! (I get really excited when given loads of work and new things to learn, I’m a bit weird like that…)

So the next thing (even though this is my personal blog and doesn’t necessarily reflect Iris’ views and bla bla bla) is to anyone out there who might read this and be interested in finding out more about Iris, I would be more than happy to tell you about the agency.

I’ll finish on the holidays (which happened already ages ago): Happy New Year!

I stayed in London and had a great Christmas with my little sister and plenty of good friends, and was at a really cool Rave party in London for NYE. It had been ages I hadn’t been to one, and it had some really good sound systems (7 of them in total!). A whole group came from France with some friends, you can check out their music on MySpace:
My friend Ben [9mm] and Les Oiseaux de Nuit (that’s a link to a video from a party they were at in 2006), from Tours. I had a really great night (and day, considering I left at 2pm on the first), danced a lot and met some great people!

About the author

Willem was born in New York, grew up in Paris, lived in London and Asia for several years before moving to Chicago in 2017. He is an award winning brand & marketing strategist, having worked with some of the largest creative advertising agencies and most valuable consumer brands globally. Willem enjoys tabletop games, skiing, scuba-diving, traveling, eating, and lengthy conversations with friends.